
EMBERS is brought to you by a reliable consortium fully aware of the importance of openness in smart city ecosystems.


Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)

UPMC is the largest scientific and medical university in France. Its computer science laboratory, LIP6, is internationally recognized as a leading research institute.

Ubiwhere Logo

Ubiwhere (UW)

UW wants to be an international reference in smart cities and Future Internet. This vision led to an investment in the smart cities and IoT sector – Together with other two Portuguese companies, they founded Citibrain in order to launch, sell and implement smart cities solutions.

Inria Logo


Inria’s scope is to findpath for the future of Internet as a communication structure, as well as a computing infrastructure in the broad sense. Its researchers are interested in developing innovative communication protocols as much as in the modelling of existing networks, in order to achieve a better performance and needs’ fulfillment.

Fraunhofer Logo

Fraunhofer FOKUS

Fraunhofer FOKUS (FhG), develops solutions for the communication infrastructure of the future. The research institute explores how information and communication will contribute to a more secure and convenient living.

Technische Universität Berlin Logo

Technische Universität Berlin (TUB)

TUB is one of the largest technical universities in Germany and member of TU9, a network of the leading Institutes of Technology in Germany. TUB has participated in many previous projects in the field related to testbed experimentation and federation.